Webtoon Begrudgingly: webtoon
Retrospecs Cool retro tech image converter
OPTI fonts Free fonts! Some of them are a little unpolished/knockoffs of commercial fonts but they're still usable.
Calligraphr Most of the lettering besides Rev's was made using this
篆書字体データセット Japanese diaspora gang, if you long for bureaucracy you can reference this database to make your own hanko seal
Matterport 3D scans of rooms.
Alchemy webapp Good for generating compositions/silhouettes/concept roughs
Kittens Game Idle game with no graphics or microtransactions (I just like restarting the early game over and over)
Alien Gyaru Maker On a picrewr alternative. This one's my favourite one on the site.
Nanchatte Renai with Tricycles This video is what got me back into Hello!project as an adult
AIUEO free wallpaper downloads They're funny and free. Archive seems to get wiped every few years...